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What is a cemetery walk?

Reported By:

Museum Board

June 2014

What is a cemetery walk?
The cemetery walk brings the voices of the past to life. People are invited to step back in time and meet some of Niagara's most memorable residents. Hear their personal stories as told by a modern-day citizen clad in period dress as you stroll from grave site to grave site. Many of the portrayals will be done by actual descendants of the individuals whose stories they tell. A cemetery is not only is it a place for reflection and meditation, but also a visible reminder of our history and heritage.

Join us!
Admission by donation, with proceeds going to support the Niagara Area Historical Society. No RSVP required. Look for an information table at the main entrance to the cemetery to get started between 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. on June 28.

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